Posts by WaltersK9
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Why German Shepherds Are the Best Dog for Families with Kids
German Shepherds are undoubtedly one of the most beloved and versatile dog breeds in the world. Known for their intelligence, loyalty, and strong work ethic, they are a fantastic choice for families with children. But what makes them especially ideal for families? Let’s take a look at why German Shepherds excel in family settings and explore the variations in color and the differences between the German and American breeds.
Why German Shepherds Are Great for Families with Kids
- Protective Nature:
German Shepherds are naturally protective, which makes them wonderful guardians for your home and family. They are highly alert and will always keep an eye out for any potential danger, giving families peace of mind. Their protective instincts also extend to children, making them especially good at sensing when someone is in trouble or needs assistance. - Intelligence and Trainability:
German Shepherds are known for their exceptional intelligence and eagerness to learn. They are highly trainable and excel in obedience, which is crucial when raising a dog alongside young children. They quickly pick up commands and are generally well-behaved when trained properly. This makes them easier to manage and ensures that children can interact safely with them. - Energetic and Playful:
German Shepherds are very active dogs that enjoy engaging in physical activities. They love playing fetch, running, hiking, and participating in family games. For families with kids, this can be a big plus, as it ensures that both the dog and children will have plenty of fun and exercise. Their playful nature allows them to bond closely with children, making them great playmates. - Loyal and Affectionate:
German Shepherds are known for their deep loyalty to their families. They form strong bonds with their owners, and this loyalty extends to children as well. While they are protective, they are also affectionate and enjoy being around their human family members. They often want to be close to you, following you from room to room, and they can be very gentle and loving with children.
Colors of German Shepherds
German Shepherds come in a variety of colors and coat patterns, which can make them visually unique. The most common color combination is a mix of tan and black, but they can also appear in the following variations:
- Classic Black and Tan:
This is the most iconic color pattern for German Shepherds, where the body is tan with black markings around the back, shoulders, and face. - Solid Black:
While less common, solid black German Shepherds are striking and quite rare. These dogs are all black from head to tail, which gives them a sleek and elegant appearance. - Sable:
Sable German Shepherds have a mix of black-tipped fur, which gives them a fawn or golden color. This pattern can range from light to dark, with some sable German Shepherds appearing almost entirely dark, while others have lighter shades. - White:
The rarest and least common color of German Shepherd, the white German Shepherd is an all-white dog. Despite its distinct appearance, it is a recognized color in the breed. - Liver and Blue:
Some German Shepherds may have liver-colored (brown) or blue-colored coats, but these variations are very rare and are not as commonly seen in the breed.
German Shepherd: German vs. American
While German Shepherds are the same breed, there are distinct differences between the German and American varieties. These differences primarily concern the dog's appearance, working traits, and temperament.
- German Shepherd (German Line):
The German Shepherds bred in Germany are typically bred for working purposes, such as police or military work. They tend to have a more balanced, athletic build with a straight back. Their focus is on working ability, intelligence, and drive. German Shepherds from this line often have a stronger instinct for guarding and protecting, and they can be more intense and energetic. - American Shepherd (American Line):
American-bred German Shepherds are often bred with an emphasis on companionship and family life. They tend to have a slightly different appearance, with a more sloped back. American German Shepherds are generally considered to have a more laid-back temperament compared to their German counterparts, making them a good option for families. However, they still maintain the breed's intelligence and loyalty, making them great family pets.
The German Shepherd Truth
1. History of the German Shepherd Dog

The German Shepherd is one of the most intelligent and best dog breeds around. This Beautiful all-around sound dog was created by Captain Max Emil Friedrich Von. In 1899 a new formal breed was established by the Society for the German Shepherd and was the first president of the Verein Fur Deutsche Schaferhunde. This breed was used for herding and protecting sheep in Germany and was bred solely for their working ability, with little effort to standardize a particular appearance, eliminate genetic defects or to create a defined breed of dog. He’s objected was to create a herding dog to protect his family and help him with his job. Today this breed in Germany and Europe must earn a Schutzhund I title or certificate in herding in order to be used for breeding.
2. Brains of the German Shepherd

Curl your fingers into a fist, this is about the size of a German shepherd’s brain. These small brains come with a big punch, ranking the 3rd most intelligent dog breed by Stanley Coren (A psychology professor, neuropsychological researcher and writer) in his book The Intelligence of Dogs. Every breed evaluated 100 times leading to the German shepherd beat by only the Poodle which came in second and the Border collie ranked for the number one dog for intelligence.
The German shepherd understood new commands with fewer than 5 repetitions and obeyed the first command 95% of the time they were classed in the brightest dogs of his book.
3. Heart of the German Shepherd

As an owner of German shepherds all my life I can vouch for their loyalty. These dogs will never leave your side or your kids for that matter, you can rest assure with a shepherd
in the yard they will be under great surveillance of any threats.
After Captain Max developed this dog in 1899 its early trials were with the German Police, at no surprise the breed showed immense pledge. In 1914 the start of World War I the German shepherd was introduced to the German Military as messengers, ammunition carriers, and assisted the soldiers in battle.
Today these dogs are seen in all branches of military, fire and rescue and police.
5. Coat’s

Colors of coat
- Sable
- Black
- Gray
- Blue
- Brown
- Black and Tan
- Black and Red
- Black and Silver
- White
Hair type of coat
- Short
- Medium
- Long
- Single Coat
- Double Coat
6. Best In Show
Winning the Westminster Dog Show in 2017, 5-year-old Rumor AKA Rumor has it, was only the second in her breed in history to win best in show out of 202 eligible breeds makes the German Shepherd one of the all-around best breeds. excelling at most anything he’s trained to do: competitive obedience and, last but not least, faithful companion.
The Westminster dog show is one of America’s oldest organizations that is dedicated to the sport of purebred dogs. It was established in 1877, and today is held every year at New York City’s Madison Square Garden.
The German Shepherd Bite……
German Shepherd Bite
A German Shepherd has a Bite strength of around 238 Pounds Per Square Inch. For comparison the average human bite strength is 126 PSI and the top house dog, the Kangal has a bite strength of 743 PSI. Outside of the pet family you have Hyena which can bite down with a force of 1100 pounds of pressure followed by the large wolf at 1,200 pounds of pressure.
What do you recommend, Male or Female German Shepherd


If your considering on getting a German Shepherd, I have written this article to help you decide on which sex. This may seem like a easy choice now, although when the time comes to adopt your new furry friend, things get questionable. More than likely the one that comes to you the most will be your pick regardless if its a male or female.
Picking the one that picks you is a great start, just be ready for the challenges you could face in the future.
What do you recommend Male or Female GERMAN SHEPHERD?
We hear this question? every time someone comes to look at our puppies. Should I get a Male or Female? This question ultimately decides on the person. Each gender has its pros and cons, were here now to lay them out for you.
The German Shepherd is one of the most intelligent and best dog breeds around. This Beautiful all around sound dog was created by Captain Max Emil Friedrich Von. In 1899 a new formal breed was established by the Society for the German Shepherd and was the first president of the Verein Fur Deutsche Schaferhunde. This breed was used for herding and protecting sheep in Germany and was bred solely for their working ability, with little effort to standardize a particular appearance, eliminate genetic defects or to create a defined breed of dog. He’s objected was to create a herding dog to protect his family and help him with his job. Today German Shepherd bred in Germany and Europe must earn a Schutzhund I title or certificate in herding in order to be used for breeding.
Male vs female German Shepherd Size
First off, I’ll explain how the height his calculated. There not measured from the top of their head like you would think. There measured from the highest point of their shoulder blades, just behind the neck. This is known as the withers, by definition THE RIDGE BETWEEN THE SHOULDER-BLADES OF AN ANIMAL.
Females stand between 22 to 24 inches tall.
Males stand between 24 and 26 inches tall.
Both genders are longer than they are tall.
Male vs Female German Shepherds with Kids
Both male and female are great with kids, while playing outside together you can rest assure your kids will be under great surveillance of any threats. Not only are they great deterrents of a threat, they are also an alarm system for anything out of the ordinary.
Males tend to be bigger and a little clumsier which could cause some extra bums and bruise with small children however this is accidental.
Females with there smaller stature will not involve as many accidents bruises and tend to be easier for small children and adults to handle. Keep in mind if you do decide to breed your female, some can be very protected of there puppies. I suggest keeping your kids and a safe distance and judging this by a case by case.
Male vs Female German Shepherd Protection
Male or Female they are both great protection dogs. Males are larger and can be more intimidating but don’t estimate the female. The females are usually more cautious and will give you the look of death in a second if you’re a new stranger. Males tend to need a reason to get into attack mode, if he’s with a female and she goes in to attack mode he’s going to back her up tenfold.
• Best at protecting a family and territory
• More playful
• Loyal and Alert
• Clumsy around small kids
• Harder to train at a young age
• Easier to train at a young age
• Less Stubborn
• Better around small kids, less clumsy
• More cautious around strangers
• Not as threating as the Male
After taking all of this into consideration I think you should get one of each…. kidding, you really can’t go wrong with this breed. This will be a very hard decision and I hope that this article has helped you make your decision in your new family member.
How to house train your German Sheperd puppy
Most puppies take 3 to 6 months to house train; however, I've learned that this requires a good breed, German Shepherds are one of the tops. When you include this breed with good genes it will you’re your life so much easier….
There are also many other factors that come into play with succeeding in house training your puppy. Let’s go over some of these……

Make a routine
Just like everything else in life when you make a routine out of it, it becomes a deeply ingrained habit or skill. Set an alarm on your iPhone or android if that’s your one of those folks, every hour on the hour to take your puppy out to use the bathroom. This will instill a good habit in your puppy of going outside to go to the bathroom vs your wooden floor. This should be affected from day 1 of picking up your puppy up. If you choose an exceptional breeder to get your puppy from like Walters K9 Kennel’s, they would have already instilled this habit at 3 to 4 weeks of age. Its going to be your job to keep it going, it may seem like a lot at first. Week by week you can spread out the time extending it by 15 minutes at a time. Don’t stress it, its going to be worth it!!!!
Accidents Happen
Let’s face it, accidents do happen and if you can’t keep to the schedule, how is a 8 week old puppy with a 75-minute bladder capacity going to keep to it. There’s no need to rub their face in it, or fuss them up and down. Simple say No with a stern voice and redirect them outside to there usually spot.
Cheer your puppy on when they go to the bathroom outside, love them up and show them how proud you are. Reward them with T.T.L TREATS-TOYS-LOVE, your puppy wants to make you happy.
Paper Training
If you’re a busy person paper training can be very useful. You can use this inside the crate while your away or at night while there sleeping.
We recommend Glad training pads!!!
Take your puppy to the vet, there could be an underlying condition causing them to pee on the floor. They may be showing you there is something wrong. Your puppy may have a urinary tract problem or bladder stones.
Are German Shepherds Good Family Dogs
The German Shepherd Dog
is one of America’s most popular dog breeds for good reason. His devotion and courage are unmatched and he’s amazingly versatile,He’s an intelligent and capable Working dog: guide and assistance work for the handicapped, police and military service, herding, search and rescue, drug detection.
Winning the westminster Dog Show in 2017, best in show out of 202 eligible breeds makes the German Shepherd one of the all around best breeds. excelling at most anything he’s trained to do: competitive obedience and, last but not least, faithful companion. But, are German Shepherds Good Family Dogs?
- German Shepherds Live To Please And Protect Their Owner-Growing up with German Shepherds and now breeding German Shepherds I've learned a great deal about the breed. They are the most intelligence breed, I have ever had, very obedient and protective for my family. I have a sign in my driveway that says this, THIS HOME PROTECTIVE BY THE GOOD LORD & A GERMAN SHEPHERD IF YOU COME HERE TO STEAL OR DO HARM YOU MIGHT MEET THEM BOTH
- German Shepherds with Kids-We have raised 4 kids around our German Shepherds and they are great. Little kids can be rough, there were many times my kids were 1, 2, 3, and up, they would grab our dogs tail, yank there ears, even try to ride them like a horse, it happens with kids. Rest assure these dogs somehow know there kids and would always retreat. If you have a kid that likes to wonder and own a German shepherd your kid is going to have there own personal body guard. My kids love our shepherds, they play hide and seek all the time. At night they often have them sleep in the room with them and I never end up getting the 2am wake up beside my bed that says daddy I'm scared.
- German Shepherds With Strangers-We have a lot of strangers come to our house and our dogs will only bark, smell and protect. These dogs our smart there not mean dogs, there very loyal dog. If you cross the line with there family they will let you know.
- German Shepherds In The House-Once you get past the puppy phase there a lot like your average dog. They do shed some, there not horrible thou there average on shedding. They don't mind there size and if you leave them they will be your favorite lap dog on the couch watching dancing with the stars.
11 Puppy Steps, You Need To Know, For Your New Puppy
- Feeding
- Toys and Treats
- Socialization
- Housebreaking
- Flea and Tick Control
- Heartworm
- Shinny Coat
- Strong Joints and Bones
- Collars
- Bathing and Grooming
- Training
Congratulations on the purchase of your Walters K9 Kennels New Puppy! The information provided is to be used strictly as a guideline for your puppy.
Water is given throughout the day however you will need to monitor the water given during housebreaking. I do not give water after six to seven pm for puppies being house broken
Your New Puppy is being fed IAMS PROACTIVE HEALTH SMART PUPPY 1-12 MONTHS, FEED 1 AND HALF CUP TWO TIMES DAILY. Daily, increase the food as your puppy grows according to their weight, age and activity level. If your puppy eats there food quickly and appears to still be hungry then increase the food intake gradually. The food bowl should be given and removed after 15-20 minutes.
It is not uncommon for the puppies to not eat very well for the first few days due to stress. If your puppy is not eating, then you can add cooked boneless skinless chicken. This usually gets the puppy to eat. If you change your puppy’s diet abruptly or during the adjustment period, you will likely cause stool issues that could take some time to resolve. Change of diets must be done gradually over a period of at least 7-10 days. No table food should be fed to any puppy. All our adult dogs are fed IAMS Large Breed. Feeding should be done in a quiet place. Plain yogurt is good for puppies during their growth period. Feed 1 teaspoon per feeding, increasing it gradually up to 1 tablespoon. Do not introduce the yogurt unless you’re sure your puppy has completely firm stools.
The first ten days do not give treats to your New Puppy. After 10 days, introduce treats one at a time only thrown in the crate or food bowl to make sure that it agrees with the puppy’s digestion. I like feeding natural treats like soup bones, liver bites and grain free treats.
It is very important that your New Puppy gets plenty of socialization. Our puppies are very use to human and another animal interaction.
Also, do to your puppy at 8 weeks, what you want to be able to do to him at 8 months or 2 years of age. Get to have his/her mouth and ears looked into and their nails trimmed etc. Take caution when trimming nails as you do not want to cut to short and cause bleeding and infection. Doing all this gets your puppy ready for their visits to the vets, groomer etc.
Take your New Puppy to as many places as possible. Let them hear and see new things. From age 4 weeks to 14 weeks this is crucial. We do NOT recommend dog parks as these are a haven for disease/infection not to mention the exposure of your pet to rude dogs that can forever impact your pet. Your puppy should be socialized with other friendly dogs that you know in your neighborhood, family, and local park etc. Remember that until your puppy is vaccinated twice, they are not immune to many life-threatening diseases.
Also, if you have no children in your home it is a good idea to take your puppy to a playground and have children gently play / pet your puppy. Your puppy was raised with children. We have found that the best place for puppy and dog socialization is outlets and outdoor malls. There you pet will see people, baby carriages, hear noises and be around a face pace environment and lots of people. You cannot generate this exposure from your home.
Your New Puppy is going to take time and patience. We start to teach our puppies at 4 weeks. You should begin to housebreak as soon as you bring your new puppy home. Puppies need to relieve themselves approximately six times a day. Your puppy should be taken out 10-20 minutes after each meal since a full stomach puts pressure on the bladder and colon. Also, after napping, and exiting the crate.
A puppy is not physically able to control the muscle that allows them to hold it until they are about 12 weeks of age. Before this time, good housebreaking routines should be practiced avoiding your puppy urinates and defecates all over your home. Watch for signs, such as turning in circles and sniffing. Take your puppy out often. Using a crate or confining your puppy to a small part of the home that has easy to clean up floors is some ways to ensure your puppy does not urinate all over your home. It is much harder to housebreak a puppy if he smells his urine in places you do not wish them to relieve there self.
If your puppy begins to soil firmly say “NO” and immediately take your puppy outside to the designated area. When they soil the designated area tell your New Puppy with excitement positive reinforcements. Consistency is the key to housebreaking and training. Never hit your puppy when he soils in the wrong area for any reason.
We do not like using any chemical on puppies until they are at least 8-12 weeks old. We recommend the following- Advantix Topical, Frontline, and Advantage. Diatomaceous Earth, (food Grade) is totally organic and sage work well also. This is excellent for yard control. We have used this in conjunction with topical products with excellent results. Tea tree oil and Neem oil is also excellent for control of bugs.
Preventative normally starts at 2-3 months of age. Talk to your vet for further instructions. Revolution takes care of both fleas and heartworms for your New Puppy.
Salmon Oil can be given daily beginning at 4 months for the coat and skin. You can use human grade, we prefer the grizzly brand which is for pets. We buy it in quarts size with a pump. The oil is put on the dry food and will give your New Puppy and beautiful coat.
Strong Joints and Bones
Glucosamine given for joints and bones starting at 4 months. We recommend Vertis-Science. Stage Flex 1for puppies and stage 2 for adults over the age of 18-24 months. Avoid pet shop brands.
Your New Puppy will grow rapidly between 8 weeks and 1 year of age. We recommend not spending a lot of money on puppy collars. A puppy will outgrow their collar in 5-7 weeks even with adjustments. I use nylon adjustable collars until 6 months then leather.
Puppies should be wiped down with wipes if they soil. If you bathe your puppy make sure they are bathed with oatmeal shampoo and warm water. Make bathing a relaxing and enjoyable event. Your New Puppy should be towel dried and not allowed to go outside if the weather is cold. Adult German shepherds should not be bathed any more than every 4-10 weeks depending on the climate. Get you puppy used to cleaning his ears, clipping his nails looking into his mouth. Do to your puppy at 8 weeks what you want to be able to do when they are a adult. Brush your puppy every few days. Use a brush with soft bristles. Be gentle brushing your puppy to avoid irritating there skin. Brushing stimulates the skin and brings out beautiful natural shine.
Exercise and steps- Puppies should be walked short distances until they are 1 year old. The growth plates must grow equally. There can’t be undue stress on the joints and ligaments. Please exercise them with caution and limited until after the joints are fully developed. Don’t let them go up and down the steps since that causes many issues including falling or jumping from high steps that could injure the puppies. Please don’t let them jump from big SUV and trucks until they are 1 year old, please pick them up or provide steps. Monitor growth, if they are growing too fast reduced puppy food and adult food of the same kind. If they grow to fast that could cause uneven growth in the plates and sometimes getting Pano.
We recommend, starting training no sooner than at the age of 4-5 months. Private trainers are the more effective choice. There are also private schools with puppy/semi private classes. These are very effective. Before you start any training, you should consider what you expect out of your training. If you have a companion pup, please make sure that he is being trained without treats and with praise-based training. If you are considering Schutzhund it is very important that you find a trainer that specializes in the sport. If you apply to much or incorrect discipline to your puppy at a young age this can adversely affect his ability to be titled when he is older. The only training, we do with puppies is basic manners, building of confidence. We allow our puppies to mature before applying discipline & training.
Spay and neuter your dog after 12 months old so they are fully grown. We recommend you do not do so before this age.
This is our advice for your new puppy, we also suggest staying close in contact with a good vet whenever a puppy is having any type of trouble.
Have fun with your new puppy,
With thanks and appreciation,